Sunday 1 February 2015

Sourdough bread rolls

Dead easy to do. If you haven't got the starter/ can't be bothered, substitute with a pack of dried yeast and follow the instructions on the pack.

Makes: 8 rolls
Cost per roll: 0.20 zl (3.5 UK pence)


- around 500g of mainly white flour with a bit of wholemeal or whatever you want
- around 30 ml of luke warm water
- around 2 tablespoons of sourdough starter
- 2 big old pinches of salt
- an egg (for brushing before baking)

Let's go!

1. Mix the flour with salt in a bowl and make a little well

2. Whisk the sourdough starter with the water and then add to the flour

3. Mix well and knead for a few minutes. You may need to add more flour or water depending on the consistency - you want it pretty firm

4. Cover with a plastic bag or foil and leave overnight to "prove". It should double in size

5. Divide into 8 portions

6. Form into rolls and put on a greased baking tray

7. Cover and leave to prove again for around 2 hours

8. Brush with an egg wash

9. Bake at 200 degrees for around 17 minutes.

10. Remove from the oven and rest for an hour before eating



- flour: 1 zl
- egg: 0.60 zl

Total: 1.60 zl
Makes: 8
Per roll: 0.20 zl

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