Monday 4 August 2014

Baingan Bharta (aubergine curry)

When I describe this, it's going to sound a bit yucky - a curry of pureed aubergine. See what I mean? Doesn't sound great, does it? It doesn't even look great, to be honest. But it tastes like a million dollars!

It's a popular dish in North India and, like other vegetarian dishes of its ilk, works best as part of a "thali" or set of meals. Team baingan bharta up with chana dal and palak paneer, for example, and you have yourself a vegetarian A Team!

See what I mean? Doesn't look great, but trust me on the flavour!

Serves: 4
Cost per person: 2.85 zl (58 UK pence)

You'll need:

- 1 large aubergine or 2 smaller ones
- 2 onions finely chopped
- 1 tsp coarsely chopped ginger
- 1 tsp coarsely chopped garlic
- 2-3 tomatoes, skins off and ready to rock
- 1 chopped green chilli
- 1 tsp cumin seeds
- 1 tsp coriander powder
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/3 tsp red chilli powder

and that's it!

So let's go!

1. Get the oven up to max. Lovingly coat the aubergines with oil (use your hands!) and place on a baking tray. Prick the skins a few times with a fork (to prevent explosions!). Get them in the oven for around 20-30 minutes until the skin starts to blacken.

2. Meanwhile, heat up some oil in a saucepan. Cumin seeds in.

3. Onions in. Sweat those babies down! After around 7 minutes, bung in the ginger and garlic.

4. Give it another 5 minutes and get the green chilli in!

5. Ok... when the onions are starting to brown, get those spices in!!

6. Hopefully, you've already prepped and chopped up the tomatoes. Yeah, well get those in too!

7. Cover and allow to simmer on a low heat for around 5 minutes. In the meantime, the aubergine should be ready.. Let's see...

8. Done! Peel off the skin (discard it) and puree the pulp on a chopping board with flourishing strokes of the knife!

9. Add to the saucepan and cook down for another minute or so.

10. Done!

Enjoy with rice and 2 other dishes for the full "thali" experience!


- aubergine: 5 zl
- tomatoes: 3 zl
- rice for 4 people: 2.40 zl
- the rest: 1 zl

Total: 11.40 zl
Serves: 4
Per person: 2.85

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