Saturday 22 August 2015

Cod in a herb breadcrumb crust with red pepper sauce and mash

A bit posh, this one. And yes, it does break the 5 zl budget rule. But, hey, if you can't treat yourself now and again, what's it all about, eh?

Serves: 3
Cost per person: 7.70 zl (1.32 GBP, 1.82 Euros)

So then, we'll need:

- around 600g of cod
- the red pepper sauce from the previous post
- some old bread
- a good old handful of basil
- 1-2 cloves of garlic
- salt and pepper
- 1 egg
- a little flour
- around 400g of potatoes skinned
- 1 chopped spring onion
- a little butter and greek yoghurt/ creme fraiche/ sour cream

On with the show:

1. Chop up some old bread. Add to the mixer with some basil, garlic, salt and pepper. You can add other herbs if you like. Just go with your own flow.

2. Whizz up nice and fine. Transfer to a bowl.

3. Cut up the fish into equal pieces. Remove any bones first. The tail end is thinner so fold over so all the pieces are more or less of equal thickness.

4. Now you'll need 3 more bowls/ plates. One with a little flour. One with a beaten egg and one more to keep the fish on until you're ready to fry. Dust the fish in flour first.

5. Egg

6. Breadcrumbs (forgot to take the photo). Make sure a nice amount of breadcrumbs have stuck to the egg wash. Get some veg oil in a frying pan. Heat up. When hot, put in the fish and fry on medium. Boil up the potatoes and heat up the red pepper sauce at the same time.

7. Woah! Let's just back up there... The potatoes - peeled and roughly chopped. Into a pan of water. 1 tsp of salt. Boil up from cold. Should take around 10-15 minutes or until a fork goes through easily.

8. After 4-5 minutes of frying, turn over the fish pieces and fry on the other side for the same length of time.

9. Remove and rest on kitchen paper.

10. Drain the potatoes. Return to the pan. Add a glob of butter and a big spoon of Greek yoghurt (or whatever). Mash well.

11. Stir in the spring onion.

12. Plate up and enjoy!


- cod: 17 zl
- sauce: 4.5 zl
- potatoes: 1 zl
- the rest: 0.50 zl

Total: 23 zl

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